Take This Quiz and Find Out!

(by Lisa Harshbarger)

HASCAR drivers use special vocabulary, such as pit and jack man, to describe key elements of their sport. They're not alone, of course; race drivers, truck drivers, mechanics and even motorcycle riders use special vocabulary to talk about the ups and downs of their sport or profession with their colleagues.

Can you join in on these conversations? The quiz below will test how “road-savvy” you are!

Read each sentence carefully and pick the best answer. Good luck and safe driving!

1) I got tired of sitting in the rock chair all the time.

a. Waiting for the traffic lights to change

b. Driving between several large trucks

c. Parking a vehicle in a very tight space

6) Look out for that alligator! 

a. Police car

b. Rough road

c. Piece of tire

2) If he were smarter, he wouldn't have all that road rash.

a. Cuts and bruises from falling onto the road

b. Damage to the fenders and sides of a car

c. Sunburn from sticking an arm out the window

7) She's never t-boned her Harley, as far as I know.

a. Crashed it into a vehicle

b. Broken it down for parts

c. Used it to carry groceries

3) She hates to drive in the granny lane.

a. Parking lot outside a retirement home

b. Shopping district where people walk

c. Section of road with strict speed limits

8) There are too many cash registers on that road for me.

a. Toll booths

b. Places to gamble

c. Fast food places

4) One more invitation and I'll take the keys away from you!

a. Broken headlight

b. Speeding ticket

c. Empty gas tank

9) Did he finally get the green?

a. Win a prize at the race

b. Buy a lime-coloured car

c. See the green flag wave

5) I think I need to get me some new wets.

a. All-weather tires

b. Windshield wipers

c. Leather car seats

10) That full tuck and roll job really ruined the look of the car.

a. Removal of the car doors

b. Upholstery made for the car

c. Raising the car's chassis

¬ródło: forum - English Teaching volume 43 Number 4 2005